It depends on the country.
In Israel, although there are serious problems in guest-worker communities, the society is open to discussing them and hopefully improving their situation. In Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the ruling monarchs try to shove the guest-worker issues under the carpet. They live in deplorable conditions in ghettos exclusive to them.
Construction, farming, petrochemical workers, drilling, and refining
Most of the population in Southwest Asia is located where there is water.
they fill jobs that the region's native people find culturally or economically unacceptable.
The Tigris River is in Southwest Asia, but is not in Central Asia.
Most Persians in Southwest Asia live in Iran.
Construction, farming, petrochemical workers, drilling, and refining
Most of the population in Southwest Asia is located where there is water.
they fill jobs that the region's native people find culturally or economically unacceptable.
Africa is the continent southwest of Asia.
The Tigris River is in Southwest Asia, but is not in Central Asia.
The Arabian Desert is the largest in Asia.
Southwest Asia
There are no dikes or canals in Southwest Asia as those things would require an abudance of water, which Southwest Asia lacks.
Africa, Asia, and Europe come together in Southwest Asia.
Over 90% of Southwest Asia is desert.
because most people in southwest Asia are abolitionists.
The Arabian Desert is the largest desert in southwest Asia.