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Q: What is the effect of all people in China using the same coins and the same writing system?
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What was the effect of all people in China using the same coins and the same writing system?

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What describes the importance of china first civilization. what effect do you think it had on later civilizations in ancient china?

The Shang people built China's first cities, and they also produced the first Chinese writing system. I think it effected later civilizations in ancient China by it having nice cities and you can use the writing system to communicate because China had many regional languages.

What did the shang people do in china first?

develop a writing system

What was the effect of having the same coins and writing system in china?

It made it easier to communicate and trade.

Who were the first people in China to develop a writing get system?

the shang dynasty.

Were the Shang the first people in China to develop a writing system?

Yes, the Shang Dynasty was the first to have a fully developed writing system in ancient China. The writing system, known as oracle bone script, was primarily used for divination purposes.

How is China's writing system different from cuniform and heiroglyphics?

China's writing system has pictures instead of symbols. China's picture names: -Pictographs -Ideographs

China's influence on Medieval Japan is illustrated by Japan's development of?

a writing system

Where did japan borrow its writing system?

from china

What advantage did a writing system in china have?

They all spoke in different languages but the system of writing was universal so everyone could read and write it.

Who introduced the Chinese writing system to the Japanese?

Korean scribes

In 1800s what effect did imperialism have on china?

The People's republic of China was formed