The total distance from Lisbon, Portugal to Malaga, Spain is 254 nautical miles.
The air distance from Lisbon, Portugal, to Sacramento, California, is 5,604 miles. That equals 9,018 kilometers or 4,869 nautical miles.
The distance between the above two places is 4698 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
A flight of approx. 100 min with TAP.
No. Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal and it is located on the west coast, a little bellow the center of the country. Algarve is what we call the southern region. Aside from the geographic distance, Lisbon is just a city and Algarve is like a state.
The driving distance from Malaga, Spain to Lisbon, Portugal is about 420 miles.
The flight distance from Bangkok, Thailand to Lisbon, Portugal is: 6,649 miles / 10,700 km
The flight distance from Paris, France to Lisbon, Portugal is: 903 miles / 1,454 km
The driving distance from Alkmaar, Netherlands to Lisbon, Portugal is 1,416 miles / 2,279 km
The total distance from Lisbon, Portugal to Malaga, Spain is 254 nautical miles.
600 miles
2833 miles
The closest major airport to Lisbon, Portugal is Lisbon Portela Airport (LIS / LPPT). This airport is about 5 miles / 8km driving distance from the center of Lisbon.
You cannot drive from Chile to Portugal! However, the flight distance from Santiago, Chile to Lisbon, Portugal is 6,342 miles.
The total distance from Portland, OR to Lisbon, Portugal is 5,321 miles. This is equivalent to 8,564 kilometers or 4,624 nautical miles.
2541 miles
692 km