Miles between Franklinton, La. and New Orleans, La.
In awaiting reply to this question, I found the answer. I found a very good longitude/latitude distance calculator on the web. I took the coordinates for both cities and factored them in. The distance from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (lt 29.954N / ln -90.075W)to Oahu, Hawaii (lt 21.433N / ln 157.966W) is 4220.3608 statute miles.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to New Orleans, LA (MSY)Flight Duration 3 hours 32 mins-- The direct distance between Los Angeles, California and New Orleans, Louisiana is 1688 miles (2717 km). -- The driving distance from Los Angeles to New Orleans is 1,892 miles; this will take about about 1 day and 3 hours.
It is 88.48 miles according to MapQuest.
Several places are located on the Mississippi River between Memphis, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana. They include Oak Alley, Baton Rouge, St. Francisville, Natchez, Vicksburg, Greenville, and Helena.
The road distance to Augusta, Maine is 1,140 miles while the road distance to New Orleans, Louisiiana is only 927 miles according to Google Maps.
The air distance from Chicago, Illinois, to New Orleans, Louisiana, is 834 miles. That equals 1,342 kilometers or 725 nautical miles.
The distance between Saint Louis, Missouri and New Orleans, Louisiana in a straight line is roughly 598.08 miles. If the route is traveled by car via Interstate 55, the distance would be roughly 677 miles.
The driving distance from New Orleans, Louisiana to Tampa, Florida is 658 miles.
142.7 miles
The distance between the above mentioned places is 1378.3 miles approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.
It is 868.44 miles according to MapQuest.
it is 1,320 miles according to MapQuest.
The air distance from Winnipeg, Canada, to New Orleans, Louisiana, is 1,425 miles. That equals 2,293 kilometers or 1,238 nautical miles.
It is 803 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 657.09 miles according to MapQuest.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Hammond, Louisiana is: 798 miles / 1,284 km