Virtus is the feminine singular nominative case of the noun, and virtutis is the genetive singular case
The difference between a shogun and a samurai is like the difference between a king and a knight.
there is no difference between this two...
Explain the difference between the vassals and the serfs
A question about "the difference between" requires two objects!
the difference between a number and 3 is
Virtus, virtutis. The ending depends on grammatical context.
The motto of J J Cahill Memorial High School is 'Virtutis Gratia Virtus'.
There are a few ways to say it: 1. Strength = virtus, virtutis f. 2. Overcome = Supero, Superare, Superavi, Superatus, so: Virtus ad superandum (strength for overcoming) Virtus superatu (strength in respect to over coming) If you want to flesh it out more, you will need to provide some more context, for example: Mihi est virtus ad superandum = I have the strength to overcome
The phrase "crescit sub pondere virtus" is in Latin and translates to "virtue grows under pressure." The word "virtus" is in the nominative case, indicating that it is the subject of the sentence. On the other hand, "crescit sub pondere virtue" seems to be a mixture of Latin and English, with "virtue" appearing as an English word rather than the Latin "virtus." This mixture of languages can lead to confusion and is not grammatically correct in Latin.
S.S. Virtus was created in 1964.
Virtus Soccer Club was created in 1951.
A.S.D. Virtus Pavullese was created in 1919.
Pallacanestro Virtus Roma was created in 1960.
Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna was created in 1871.
Virtus Entella was created on 1914-03-14.
A.S.D. Virtus Casarano was created in 1927.
F.C. Igea Virtus Barcellona was created in 1945.