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The Australian government is known as a federal parliamentary democracy, presided over by the Prime Minister. The parliament is democratically elected by the people (for whom it is compulsory to vote), and the Prime Minister is customarily elected by the members of parliament from within their number (he is not mentioned in the Constitution, only Ministers are). The Head of State is the Queen of Australia whose representitive The Governor General exercises the head of state powers on her behalf. The USA government is a Constitution-based federal republic, presided over by the President. Also elected democratically by the people (for whom it is not compulsory to vote), the President may not sit for more than two terms.

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12y ago

I would say the American people are much more emotional and in touch with their feminine side while the Australian people are much more tough.

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Charlotte Robinson

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4y ago

the Australian Government cares for the black and white people but the US Government has ditched all black people and cares only for white people

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