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East Berlin was the capital of Communist East Germany. However, many East Germans wanted to escape East Germany in order to find freedom in West Germany. The easiest way to do this was to cross into West Berlin, which was an enclave of West Germany that was completely surrounded by East German territory. The East German government was dismayed by the number that East Germans who were leaving East Germany and, therefore, built the Berlin Wall in 1961 in order to prevent the further hemorrhaging of population.

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Q: What is the connection between East Berlin and the Berlin Wall?
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What was the barrier between east and west Berlin?

The Berlin Wall.

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The Berlin Wall was built by the east Germans and the Soviet Union to?

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The Berlin Wall was built by the East Germans and the Soviet Union to .?

stop trade between East and West Berlin

What about the Berlin wall?

The Berlin Wall was built in Germany in August of 1961. The Berlin Wall was built to separate East Germany and East Berlin from West Berlin. The Berlin Wall was destroyed in 1990 which allowed for unification of West and East Berlin.

What are area between the Berlin Wall?

it was dividing east berlin and west berlin

What was built between East and West Germany in 1961?

The Berlin Wall.

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The Berlin Wall surrounded West Berlin. Therefore... Inside the Berlin Wall: West Berlin Outside the Berlin Wall: The two closest cities were Potsdam to the west, and East Berlin to the east.

What and whom did the berline wall divide?

The Berlin Wall was the division between West Berlin and East Germany. The East German government built it to prevent its citizens from going to the West.

High barrier between East and West erected during the 1961 Berlin crisis?

Berlin Wall.

What did the collapse of the Soviet Union have to do with the Berlin Wall?

The collapse of the Soviet Union made it possible for the Berlin Wall to be knocked down so people could travel between East Germany and East Berlin easily.

What was the name of the large area between the east and west sections of the Berlin wall?

The strip of land between between east and west sections of the Berlin Wall was effectively no-man's land but was known colloquially as the Todesstreifen (the death strip).