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imperial confucianism

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Q: What is the combination of legalism and Confucianism which the Han Dynasty implemented as its ruling ideology called?
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Legalism, Confucianism, then Taoism.

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Confucianism Daoism and legalism or Buddhism if you want to be fancy.wrong, it is Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism

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Legalism and adopted Confucianism ,Yaaa ms. Bowmans 6th period

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It started out as legalism, then it swayed to Confucianism.

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leagleism is what it says in my 6th grade school textbook -

Which is the difference between legalism and Confucianism?

Legalism is a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes strict adherence to laws and regulations, often using harsh punishments to enforce order and control. Confucianism, on the other hand, focuses on ethical behavior, moral development, and the cultivation of virtues such as benevolence, filial piety, and propriety. While Legalism prioritizes the role of the state in maintaining social order, Confucianism emphasizes personal and societal harmony through virtuous conduct and relationships.

Is a Chinese school of thought that denounced ethics in favor of obedience a Confucianism b Buddhism c daoism d legalism?

d. legalism

What are three Chinese philosophies?

Three major Chinese philosophies are Confucianism, Daoism (Taoism), and Legalism. Confucianism emphasizes moral values, social harmony, and filial piety. Daoism focuses on achieving harmony with nature and living in accordance with the natural flow of the universe. Legalism stresses the use of strict laws and harsh punishments to maintain order and stability in society.

What were the three most prominent philosophies of rule in the Chinese empire?

The three most prominent philosophies of rule in the Chinese empire were Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism. Confucianism emphasized moral values, virtue, and social harmony, Legalism focused on strict laws and centralized authority to maintain order, and Daoism advocated for living in harmony with nature and embracing simplicity.