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On an Or field (gold background), you have 3 azure leaves (blue leaves symbolizing happiness), in a Chevron pattern (like a triangle)

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Q: What is the coat of arms for the Gamboa family?
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Is there any type of symbol like a coat of arms that represents a family instead of an individual?

A coat of arms represents a family name.

Why the coat of arms of Spain is the same as the Gonzalez family?

The Coat of Arms of Spain has been changed several times since first adopted by the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinant and Isabella. However, no version of the Coat of Arms of Spain is the same as the Gonzalez family coat of arms.

Are there coat of arms of the Risher family anywhere in the world?

Yes, the family is originally from France. The coat of arms is very old dating back to the Crusades.

What is a coat of arms?

the meaning : to identify a nobleman in battle. a coat of arms being an heraldic reference to a person/family and used only by that person or family. i.e, the fluer de leys of the prince of wales, the three Lions rampant of the King of England.

What is the Coat of arms of the Roche family?

Coats of Arms belong to individuals, not to families.

Where can you purchase a flag or coat of arms from Aragon Spain?

hi to find a coat of arms from a certain country visit you can type in ur family name and see its coat of arms you can also order it

What is the purpose of coat of arms?

The purpose of the coat of arms was to identify a noble person or family and distinguish them from other nobles in places like battles.

What is the German family crest?

You will have to research your family history to find the crest for your particular family, if there is one. Beware of the multitude of family crest websites available. They do little research and chances are that you will get a coat of arms that is completely made up or false. If you are in a hurry, do an internet search for "Boser coat of arms." At least five different coats of arms will be found. That suggests that at least five families had rights to arms, or that several people have fanciful ideas of what should be a coat of arms for this family.

What is the German Boser family crest?

You will have to research your family history to find the crest for your particular family, if there is one. Beware of the multitude of family crest websites available. They do little research and chances are that you will get a coat of arms that is completely made up or false. If you are in a hurry, do an internet search for "Boser coat of arms." At least five different coats of arms will be found. That suggests that at least five families had rights to arms, or that several people have fanciful ideas of what should be a coat of arms for this family.

Who would wear a family coat of arms?

A family coat of arms can be found from past members of the family or created new. It is unusual to wear one except as a piece of jewelry. Usually coats of arms are hung on the wall. Anyone who is proud of their heritage could wear one.

What was Shakespeare's family granted as a result of his success as a playwright?

A coat of arms

What is the Eisenhauer Eisenhower Isenor coat of arms or crest from Germany?

go to and it gives the coat of arms and the family tree. hope this helps