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The Climax of the Boston Tea Act was when the colonists, sailors, and merchants threw the Boston Tea Party. That's when the sailors sailed to the Boston Harbour, and dumped all of the Tea Party's teas in the bay in protest the high taxes and impositions from the royal crown.

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Q: What is the climax of the boson Tea Act?
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What patriot organization was responsible for the boson tea party?

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When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party

What gorup started the Boson Tea Party?

A group of colonies from England came. However, the tea act was passed 1773,they are opposed of it. Only the group of people in colonies dump all the chest of tea carrying the ship "DARTMOUTH" into the sea. This happens on the 16th of December 1773. Therefore, this event was known as "Boston Tea Party".

What happened after the British troops captured New York?

the boson tea party where they dumped all the tea out oh and tar and feathering tax collectors

What act is before the Tea Act?

The tea act was a tax on all tea in the colonies. It was made to help pay for the French and Indian war.

Does the resolution and climax happen in the same act?

The climax is the resolution.:)

What does the Tea Act cause?

The tea act(act that made tea have taxes) caused the Boston Tea Party(hundreds of colonists throw British tea into the ocean.)

The Boston Tea Party was in response to what act?

The tea act

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The brewing of tea..?

Why was the tea act written?

the tea act was written because of history

What do the Tea Act and the stamp act have in common?

the stamp act was to tax on any paper items from the postal services such as stamps and the tea act was the tax on tea so people would have to pay for the tea

Who took place in the tea act?

The colonist and the East India Tea Company were the main character in the Tea Act