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that the English don't give us the same rights.

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Q: What is the catholic point of view on the troubles in northern Ireland?
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What was the difference in the number of percentage points separating Catholic and Protestant populations in Northern Ireland in 1971?

its about a 16 point difference.....KaeLani

Which stretches farther south Ireland or Northern Ireland?

The proper term for what people call southern Ireland is the Republic of Ireland. The most southerly point of Ireland is Mizen Head, in Co. Cork which is in the Republic of Ireland. The most northerly point of Ireland is Malin Head, in Co. Donegal, which is also in the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland consists of 6 of Ireland's 32 counties, but neither the most northerly or southerly point of Ireland is in Northern Ireland. The most westerly point is also in the Republic of Ireland, in Co. Kerry, but the most easterly point is in Co. Down in Northern Ireland. See the map below, which shows all the counties of Ireland, with the 6 yellow ones being those in Northern Ireland.

Map of southern Ireland?

Below is a link to a map of Ireland, showing Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. "Southern Ireland" is an informal term for the Republic of Ireland, and geographically incorrect, as the most northerly point in Ireland is in the Republic of Ireland.

What country is Southern Ireland com?

Southern Ireland is an incorrect term for what is the Republic of Ireland, officially known as Ireland or Éire in the Irish language. Northern Ireland does exist, and for this reason people often use the term Southern Ireland. Northern Ireland consists of 6 counties that are in the north-east of Ireland. In fact, the most northerly point on the island of Ireland is not in Northern Ireland. It is Malin Head, which is in county Donegal, which is one of the 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland. See the map below in the related links, which shows all the counties of Ireland, with the 6 from Northern Ireland enclosed by the red line.

Are Ireland and Northern Ireland different countries?

Yes. They were the same country and both ruled by Britain for hundreds of years until the early 1920's when after much effort and fighting from the Irish to achieve independance Britain agreed to partition the Island and recognise the Republic's independance but remain in control of some counties in the northeast. There was a civil war in Ireland over whether this treaty should be accepted, but the pro-treaty side won, so the country was partitioned. In more recent times Northern Ireland have set up an local parliament (like in Scotland and Wales) where local issues are dealt with. However, it remains part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (despite the fighting in Northern Ireland) and the UK is a separate country from the Republic. Northern Ireland is ruled by Great Britain The Republic of Ireland is not. YES it is Ireland that other stuff only shows up on map only words and lines, people are very same north and south im from ulster along border. were you go on Sunday is not goin to matter in ten years time or even now were small country hardliners on both sides are goin to be left behind by people. im excited when see Ireland playing sport now look what our soccer teams are like crap join them up look at the ruby, british people in Ireland we no this but whats funny is there Irish too but ill not take that from them we have a flag what does the orange stand for on it,

Related questions

When did Northern Ireland split with the Republic?

In 1921, as a result of the Irish War of Independence.Ireland was given independence from Britain, but 6 counties in the north-east exercised their right to opt out of the newly created Irish Free State, rejoining Britain and becoming Northern Ireland.The two entities now occupying the island are Ireland(also called the Republic of Ireland) and Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom.

What was the difference in the number of percentage points separating Catholic and Protestant populations in Northern Ireland in 1971?

its about a 16 point difference.....KaeLani

What borders the northern part of Ireland?

There is the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, in the northern part of Ireland. The most northern point on the island of Ireland is actually in the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland, as you will see at the map at the link below. Around the northern coast, is the Atlantic Ocean.

Which stretches farther south Ireland or Northern Ireland?

The proper term for what people call southern Ireland is the Republic of Ireland. The most southerly point of Ireland is Mizen Head, in Co. Cork which is in the Republic of Ireland. The most northerly point of Ireland is Malin Head, in Co. Donegal, which is also in the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland consists of 6 of Ireland's 32 counties, but neither the most northerly or southerly point of Ireland is in Northern Ireland. The most westerly point is also in the Republic of Ireland, in Co. Kerry, but the most easterly point is in Co. Down in Northern Ireland. See the map below, which shows all the counties of Ireland, with the 6 yellow ones being those in Northern Ireland.

Three main Features of Northern Ireland - The capital is Belfast?

It has the largest lake in Ireland. It has the most easterly point in Ireland, but not the most northerly point, despite its name. The world famous Giants Causeway is in Northern Ireland.

How did northen Ireland get its name?

It comes from the geographical location on the island of Ireland. Strangely though, the most northerly point on the island of Ireland is not in Northern Ireland, but is part of the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is mostly in the northeast of Ireland.

Is the whole of Ulster part of Northern Ireland?

Ulster has 9 counties. Only 6 of them are part of what is called Northern Ireland. In fact, the most northerly point of all of Ireland is in Ulster, but in one of the 3 counties that is not in Northern Ireland.

Is Donegal in southern Ireland?

If you mean southern Ireland as a reference to the part of island of Ireland that is not Northern Ireland, then yes. The term "southern Ireland" is an incorrect and inaccurate reference to what is more commonly known as the Republic of Ireland. If you mean geographically, then the answer is no, as the most northerly point on the island of Ireland is Malin Head in county Donegal. County Donegal is in the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland. See the map at the link below which shows the counties of the Republic of Ireland in green, and the counties of Northern Ireland in a tan colour. You will see that Donegal is in the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland, and that it has the most northerly point on the island of Ireland.

How there is only 6 counties in Northern Ireland?

The counties called Fermanagh, Antrim, Tyrone, Down, Armagh and Derry make up Northern Ireland. When Northern Ireland was created by a treaty between Britain and Ireland, those 6 counties were made part of Northern Ireland. The remaining 26 counties of Ireland, are part of what is now commonly called the Republic of Ireland. The province of Ulster consists of all of Northern Ireland's counties, plus Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal. Donegal actually contains the most northern point on the whole island of Ireland. If you look at the map below, you will see all of Ireland's counties, with the 6 of Northern Ireland enclosed by a line, and you will also see how Donegal contains the most northern point.

How long does it take to get from Northern Ireland to London?

Depends on where abouts in Northern Ireland.Shortest distant from Northern Ireland to London is from Kilard point, County Down (bottom of Strangford Lough) is 293miles.Longest distants is from Manger, County Fermanagh is 392miles.From Belfast to London is 322miles.

What is the northern part of Ireland?

There are different answers to that question. The Irish province of Ulster, containing 9 counties forms the geographic northern part of Ireland. There is also what is known as Northern Ireland, which is made up of 6 of the 9 counties of Ulster. Interestingly, Malin Head in county Donegal, which is the most northern point of the island of Ireland is in Ulster, but in one of the 3 counties that are not in Northern Ireland.

What size is southern Ireland?

What you are referring to is the Republic of Ireland. The term southern Ireland is often used for it purely to distinguish it from Northern Ireland, although in fact the most northerly point of the island of Ireland is in the Republic of Ireland and not Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland is about 70,273 square kilometres or 27,133 square miles.