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In the pyramids in the north near Cairo or the tombs in the south near Luxor.

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Two places were where they were buried. The Pyramids is one and the Valley of the Kings is second.

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Q: What is the burial place for pharaoh in ancient Egypt?
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What was the burial place for the pharaoh?

ancient egypt

What word related to ancient Egypt begins with the letter v?

Valley of the Kings is a historic royal burial place in Egypt. Valley of the Queens is a historic burial place for the wives of Pharaohs.

What ancient Egyptian words begin with the letter V?

Valley of the Kings is a historic royal burial place in Egypt. Valley of the Queens is a historic burial place for the wives of Pharaohs.

What pyramid is the pharaoh Djoser's burial place?

The step pyramid at saqqara

What do egyptians keep in pyramids?

The ancient Egyptians kept the pharaoh's burial chamber, along with treasures, belongings, and supplies that they believed the pharaoh would need in the afterlife in pyramids. The pyramids were also meant to serve as a protective and grand final resting place for the pharaoh.

What was the burial place for the pharaoh In Ancient Egypt?

Originally, pharaohs were buried in mastabas. Then, Imhotep (the mummy in The Mummy) stacked one on another, making the step pyramid. After that, pyramids were the place to be buried. When people realized pyramids were getting robbed, the Valley of the Kings, a more secret location, was used, and underground tombs were created.

What was the valley of the kings and why was it built?

The valley of the kings was a secret burial place for the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt after their pyramids were looted by robbers. The tombs in it included the famous Tutankhamen's.

What is the ancient Egyptian burial place?

It's inside a pyramid.

An Egyptian word that starts with v?

Valley of the Kings is a historic royal burial place in Egypt. Valley of the Queens is a historic burial place for the wives of Pharaohs.

Where did pyramids develop from?

Pyramids were first constructed in Ancient Egypt which people say that a Pharaoh by the name of Djoser came up with the idea for the rulers to have a place where they could be in the afterlife in peace.

Egptian word that begins with the letter v?

Valley of the Kings is a historic royal burial place in Egypt. Valley of the Queens is a historic burial place for the wives of Pharaohs.

Why were the pyramids created in Egypt?

The pyramids house the pharaohs of Egypt along with them were buried all the things they needed in the afterlife.