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Q: What is the body of electors who formally elect the US president and vice president?
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What is the body of electors who formally elect the president and vice president?


What group meets to elect the President?

This group is the electoral college.

The framers finally decided that the president and vice president would be selected?

By a body of presidential electors

What body ACTUALLY elects the president?

The electoral college elects the US president. When the people vote for president, they are actually voting for the electors who made up the electoral college and who actually elect the president. The electors pledge to support one particular candidate. The electors never meet as a group but each elector votes in his state capital and the votes are sent to the Senate president. They are counted in a joint session of Congress.

The framers of the Constitution agreed that the president should be elected by the?

The constitution calls for the President to elected by electors from the states. It allows the state legislatures to decide how to choose its electors. Probably most of the framers expected the legislatures to elect the electors rather than holding a popular election to choose them.

What is the purpose of the electoral college?

The purpose of the electoral college is to elect the president and vice-president of the United States. It is made up of the electors from each state. They do not actually meet as a body, but send their votes to the President of the Senate.

What special body elects the US president and vice president?

The U.S. President and Vice President are elected by the special body called the Electoral College. Each state has electors that are appointed. In total, there are 538 electors.

The Framers finally decided that the President and Vice President should be selected .?

By a body of presidential electors

What body of people elect the president?

electoral college

What is he electoral college?

The Electoral college is a group of people which formally elects the president of the United States after the public election. The electoral college has 538 members , called electors, and each electors casts one electoral vote. They do not meet as a body but the electors from each state meet in the state capital to cast their votes some time in med-December after the election.

Who is the official body that unanimously elected George Washington for president?

That is the body of electors known as the electoral college.

The Framers of the Constitution called for the President to be elected by a body of electors True Or False?
