templars... they're christian. though supposedly they worshipped Mary over Jesus, but because of their secretive tendencies we cant be certain
The Knights Templar believed in defending the Christian faith and protecting pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land during the Crusades. They also had a strong commitment to poverty, chastity, and obedience. Additionally, they amassed significant wealth and became influential in finance and banking during their existence.
There were ceremonies in which Knights kissed the cross, and this often happened when they became knights.
Knights and Samurai
Yes, there were knights.
The address of the Knights Landing Branch Library is: 42351 Third St., Knights Landing, 95645 0517
The knights granted land to the peasants and serve in the army. The knights get land from tenants in cheif, and the peasants make payments to the knights. Hope i helped :) KayKayBear!~
Not unless you count the belief in Biblical miracles as a belief in magic. There is no reason to believe that the Templars' religion was anything but orthodox.
Because they want to destroy mankind and rebuild the world in their own image
crescent staff,templers helm of light and archdon dragon head i think
Arthur knights
the knights of the round table
You need to get the Black Knights because they are the strongest knights.
That depends on what Knights you are talking about. Are you talking about the medieval Knights in each Kingdom, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar? You are going to have to be a little more specific to get a meaningful answer.
The knights of Columbus are catholic. The knights of Columbus are catholic.
knights are in battle. :)
There were ceremonies in which Knights kissed the cross, and this often happened when they became knights.
Knights are and were always boys.
yes knights have swords