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Q: What is the alphabet of the US of America?
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Dose Latin America have a alphabet?

Yes: the Latin or western alphabet (the same you are currently using).

How many languages are there which are based on the Latin alphabet?

The majority of languages in the world with an alphabet are based on the Latin alphabet. Virtually all of the countries of North America, South America, Australia, and Western Europe use the Latin Alphabet. A Notable exception is Greece, which uses the Greek alphabet.

What two letters of the greek alphabet gave us the word alphabet?

alpha and beta

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How many alphabets are used in America?

There is only one alphabet in common use in America: The English version of the Latin alphabet. Some Native American tribes have unique alphabets as well, but they are not in common use.

Which country is the word alphabet from?

The word "Alphabet" came from Greece. If you look at The Ancient Greece's Alphabet it looks like ours. That's because America copied it! Ancient Greece called "Alphabet", "Alphabeta". They called that because Alpha was the 1st letter in their Alphabet and Beta was the 2nd letter of their Alphabet.

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What are two benefits to the Phoenician alphabet?

the Phoenician alphabet developed into our modern day alphabet and it helps us communicate.

Which is the only letter of the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the states of America?


Which lettre of alphabet represents all of us?


Does France use the same alphabet as the US?

France uses the same alphabet as the US, but they also sometimes put accent marks above the a, e, and i, or under the c.

Is Cameroon's alphabet the same as the US?

Yes, both French and English use the same alphabet, with a few minor differences.