The air distance from Frankfurt, Germany, to Baden-Baden, Germany, is 95 miles. That equals 153 kilometers or 83 nautical miles.
The distance between Belleville, Illinois, and Frankfurt am Main, Germany is 4591.3 miles (7389.0 km)
The distance between the above places is 5530 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
The air distance from Lisbon, Portugal, to Sacramento, California, is 5,604 miles. That equals 9,018 kilometers or 4,869 nautical miles.
The air distance from El Paso, Texas, to New Orleans, Louisiana, is 982 miles. That equals 1,581 kilometers or 854 nautical miles.
The distance calculator measures the straight line flight distance:It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage, the total distance from Cairo, Egypt to Rome, Italy is 1,327 miles, this is equivalent to 2,135 kilometers or 1,153 nautical miles.
The distance between Belleville, Illinois, and Frankfurt am Main, Germany is 4591.3 miles (7389.0 km)
The air distance from Zurich, Switzerland, to Frankfurt, Germany, is 190 miles. That equals 305 kilometers or 165 nautical miles.
The air distance from Frankfurt, Germany, to Tel Aviv, Israel, is 1,827 miles. That equals 2,940 kilometers or 1,587 nautical miles.
The air distance from Detroit, Michigan, to Frankfurt, Germany, is 4,146 miles. That equals 6,673 kilometers or 3,603 nautical miles.
Five hundred six (506) is the mileage from Frankfurt, Germany, to Budapest, Hungary. That equals 815 kilometers or 440 nautical miles.
The air mileage from Frankfurt, Germany, to Daytona Beach, Florida, is 4,697. That equals 7,558 kilometers or 4,081 nautical miles.
Four thousand three hundred eighty-six (4,386) is the mileage from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Frankfurt, Germany. That equals 7,058 kilometers or 3,811 nautical miles.
Four thousand three hundred forty (4,340) is the air mileage from Frankfurt, Germany, to Chicago, Illinois, That equals 6,983 kilometers or 3,771 nautical miles.
About 4,830 air miles.
Three thousand eight hundred sixty-five (3,865) is the air mileage from New York City, New York, to Frankfurt, Germany. That equals 6,220 kilometers or 3,359 nautical miles.
The air distance from Frankfurt, Germany, to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is 227 miles. That equals 365 kilometers or 197 nautical miles.
According to the airport milage calculator at, it is 4,600 miles.