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Q: What is the action of illegally leaving the military?
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Is it possible to be in the military without leaving the country?

yes you can be in the military with out leaving the country

What is a military action?

A military action is an action carried out by armed forces. A military action could be just the National Guard helping flood victims or it could be the invasion of a city by military personnel.

Which branch of the military ie Marines Army Air force Navy has better opportunities for jobs after leaving the military Which gives better education opportunities?

The marine and the air force wing of the military has better opportunities for jobs after leaving the military.

What is the action of the spacecraft leaving the earth called?

escape velocity if its leaving earths gravity

Why was the Holocaust not seen as a military action?

For the simple reason that slaughtering defenceless civilians in order to commit genocide is not a military action.

How do you say action in German?

Depending on context, action can be translated as: Aktion Wirkung Action (film) Handlung Bewegung Klage (legal) Prozess (legal) Tätigkeit Einwirkung Gefecht (military) Einsatz (military) Kampfgeschehen (military)

You are leaving for the military how do you sign your child over to his father?


What is the average age of veterans leaving the military?

its about 78% of the time

Which diplomatic style most promoted military action?

The Big Stick ideology promoted military action most.

What is it called when you leave home under age illegally?

Leaving home under age illegally is known as running away or being a runaway. It is when someone, typically a minor, leaves their home or guardian without permission and without legal justification.

What is the motto of Military College Sui?

Military College Sui's motto is 'Knowledge and Action'.

Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the?

Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the Barbary pirates.