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It is unclear what the question is asking, but perhaps it is referring to what the Israelis call the Separation Fence and the Arabs call the Apartheid Wall. This is a security fence that runs along the edge and at some points penetrates deeply into the West Bank with the intent of preventing Palestinian Suicide Bombings on Jewish Settlements in the West Bank and Israeli cities within the internationally accepted borders. This approach has been successful with the effective end of the suicide bomber. However, many Palestinians have been cut off from their lands and their wells by this fence which was built primarily on Palestinian (West Bank) land.

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It is a tall cement wall, which Israel found it necessary to construct as a matter of self-defense, because of the many attacks which were being carried out against it. No fewer than one hundred and seventy-one suicide-bomb attacks have been perpetrated against Israeli civilians since 1989, in addition to lynchings, knifings and other forms of attack. Since the construction of the wall, the number has dropped drastically.Palestinians have the right to petition the courts against the location of the wall. When the courts have ruled in their favor, Israel has changed the location of the wall in those areas.

Further comments:

Israel is portrayed as an evil country by some of the media, by many U.N. and E.U. statements, and by much of the Arab and Muslim world.This despite the fact that Israel has better human-rights than any other country in the region (click on the blue text for details).

Israel has been boycotted for decades, and its citizens have suffered from the conflict, yet it continues to be optimistic and it enjoys God's protection.

The presence of the Jews in Israel is questioned by some, despite the Jews' history in and from Israel, and despite God's clear words bestowing Israel to them. Words which are recognized by Islam as well.

Those who condemn Israel for its side in the conflict, fail to condemn the actions of Israel's enemies, no matter how heinous.

Israel's enemies could lay down their weapons, and ask us directly: "Why hasn't Israel returned to its pre-1967 borders"? Then we could carry on a serious debate. And that issue is not one-sided.

  • When Israel's neighbors have pursued a policy of discussion and debate, solutions have been implemented, not only argued over. Israel pulled out of Sinai and gained a peace treaty with Egypt. A very cold peace, but a strategic and useful one.
  • Israel made border-adjustments and water concessions to Jordan, and gained another cold but useful peace.
  • The same process brought a treaty in May 17, 1983 with Lebanon but it was blocked by Syria.
  • The same process was almost completed by Rabin and Arafat in 2000. They were at the treaty-signing table, having hammered out all the details. Then Yasser Arafat pulled out of the ceremony, and initiated the Second Intifada, loading the "Karin A" ship with tons of weapons for terror-use.

See also:

More about Israel

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Q: What is the Wall between Palestine and Israel?
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