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Palestinians are those Arabs who trace their origins to the former British Mandate of Palestine, so that area could be considered their homeland. However, it is worth noting that prior to 1993, there was no Palestinian self-rule at any time in history when the identity (or its Levantine Arab predecessor) existed.

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Q: What is the Palestinian Homeland?
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What is the meaniong of my homeland isn't a suitcase in Diary of A Palestinian Wound?

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No. She wrote the play 'Seven Jewish Children' which is sympathetic to the plea for a Palestinian homeland.

Which two groups claimed Palestine as their homeland?

The two major religions claiming rights to Palestinian land are Judaism and Islam.

Who was Israel created for?

Israel was created for the Jews so they could have a homeland after the Holocaust. Palestine was under mandate by the British who encouraged the creation of the homeland to be carved out of Palestinian land. This area had been occupied by the Jews in ancient times.

What negative effect did Israel cause to the Palestinians?

Erm they stole the state of Palestine which was chosen over Argentina by the Western powers to be the new Jewish homeland. Helped in no small part by the UK's mandate of the region, US political pressure and the actions of the Irgun (one of the fist truly organised terrorist organisations. The creation of the State of Israel resulted in the Palestinian Diaspora or the displacement of many Palestinian people from their homeland, it is estimated that 9-11 millions Palestinian people now live somewhere other than their native land.

The primary concern of the Palestinian refugees is?

The primary concern of Palestinian refugees is the right to return to their homes and properties from which they were displaced during conflicts with Israel. They also seek recognition of their refugee status and access to basic services and living conditions in the host countries where they currently reside.

Did Iran and Syria support the Palestinians in their struggle to have a homeland?

Answer 1Yes.Answer 2It depends, though, on what the term "support" means.If the question is whether Iran and Syria have provided support to Hamas and other violent and militant Palestinian groups, then yes, these two countries have supported the Palestinians.However, violent Palestinian militant organizations have consistently resulted in negative prospects for long-term peace and an Israeli unwillingness to negotiate. The Palestinians make their biggest gains when more peaceful individuals are willing to strike deals with Israelis and also when Palestinian infrastructure improves. The creation of a viable Palestinian Police Force in the West Bank, for example, has resulted in fewer Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank; a tangible sign of edging towards a Palestinian homeland. Iran and Syria have never supported these sorts of infrastructural developments nor have they encouraged the Palestinians to negotiate with Israel. Additionally, numerous Palestinian refugees live in Syrian Refugee Camps where they have minimal rights (often not including the right to work or to leave the general vicinity of the camp). Therefore, Iran and Syria have actually been detrimental to the Palestinian struggle to have a homeland since they undercut any tangible improvements that may be made to get the Palestinians closer to such a State.

When did the PLO come into existence?

The PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) is an umbrella political organization representing the Palestinian people in their drive for a Palestinian state. It was formed in 1964 to centralize the leadership of various groups. After the 6-day war in 1967, it carried a distinctly Palestinian agenda. In 1969 Yasir Arafat was elected chairman of the PLO and he was then elected president of Palestinian states in 1989.

When was The Palestinian created?

The Palestinian was created in 1977.

WHY Arab countries totally neglected the issue of the Palestinian homeland from 1910 up until 1948?

because during the WWI most Arab States fall into colonisation then they were helpless only yemen and Saudi Arabia were partially free

What is the Arab-Palestinian Conflict?

The Arab-Palestinian Conflict is the informal name given to the several Arab-Palestinian Battles and intermittent and long periods of Palestinian mistreatment at Arab hands. In fact, roughly as many Palestinians have died as a result of the Arab-Palestinian Conflict as the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to date.