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I don't know the $$ amount they can take. That's based on you salary and rent. However, they can and will garnish you salary if you owe child support or fines. If you quit your job because of this, they will send out a bench warrent and arrest you. I know this because I have an ex-husband that tried this. I hope I answered your question. If not, post it again and someone else may have a better answer.

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Q: What is the NJ state law on wages garnishing?
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How much can your wages be garnished in NJ?

State and federal laws mandate how much wages can be garnished in New Jersey. Creditors can take up to 25% of wages in New Jersey.

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Are lost wages taxed in settlement in NJ?

If identified as wages, taxed both Federal & State. The wages would have been taxed if paid without settlement wouldn't they? (The "lost" part isn't taxed).

What reasons are there to garnish wages in NJ?

There are a few reasons why wages can be garnished in the state of New Jersey. Reasons include back child support, back alimony, or back taxes.

If you live in NJ and work in Pa can your wages be garnished for credit card debtin NJ?

Yes, your wages can be garnished wherever you work for a debt. Generally, wages are not approved to be garnished for unsecured debt.

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I doubt that there is a "law" but there may be a Health Department regulation that forbids it.

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NJ, the abbreviation of New Jersey, is The Garden State.

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NJ is the blueberry state

Can wages be garnished from a joint account when one party isn't involved with the debt in NJ and the state garnished wages from one party for child support the other party isn't involved in the case.?

Yes, you should open up a separate checking/savings account in just your name only.

Where do I find a contract law attorney in Newark, NJ?

There are many law firms in Newark NJ as there many counties during this city. So, finding the finest Contract Law Attorney might be difficult for a layman. Depending on your location Newark NJ, I recommend Moldovan Law Firm for Contract Law Attorney.

What is the standard abbreviation for New Jersey?

The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of New Jersey is NJ.

What is a retail workers average salary?

Varies depending on state minimum wages, in NJ retail starts at $7.25 as and employee and goes to 9-15 as a Supervisor/Manager. This also varies place to place, and experience.