The Mayan symbol for number five is a horizontal bar.
The number zero was credited to the mayans. Below is a table showing the Mayan numeric system.
In the Mayan writing system each symbol represents words and pictures, where as our writing system just shows words.
Justin BieberI Love U
The Mayan symbol for number five is a horizontal bar.
The Mayan Tree of Life most likely
The number zero was credited to the mayans. Below is a table showing the Mayan numeric system.
The Theme Deck with the Ancient Mayan Pyramid symbol is Neo Discovery.
In the Mayan writing system each symbol represents words and pictures, where as our writing system just shows words.
Yes they do. In fact, they love it.
A symbol for a lost love is heart. Your love, past present and future are love.
egyptian symbol for love and eterinty was the lotus
Unbreakable love is represented with an infinity symbol.
Then the symbol of love Taj Mahal is a symbol of Friendship
Justin BieberI Love U