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They are both viewed as essential i guess is a way to put it, not one being viewed as better or more important because they are both needed to keep balance in all things. as a contrast think of the Christian god and devil; god is the epitome of good and loved and all that, while the devil is hated, feared, viewed as the embodiment of sin, and wanted to be erased from the universe.

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Q: What is the Mayan beliefs on good and evil?
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Good and evil are often seen as two opposing forces that exist in balance. The presence of good can make us more aware of evil, just as the presence of evil can highlight the importance of good. The concept of good and evil is subjective and can vary depending on cultural and individual beliefs.

Which religious beliefs are shared with Islam Christianity and Judaism?

Good over evil which is monotheism.

What is the study of good versus evil called?

The study of good versus evil is called moral philosophy or ethics. This branch of philosophy explores concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, and how individuals determine and justify their moral beliefs and actions.

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There has been a long, ongoing debate on if the Rothschilds are evil or if they are good. Only an individual person can decide that themselved, depending on what their beliefs are.

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The tree was called Pom, its sap was used in all Mayan rituals to scare away evil spirits

Why do you think gods evil?

The concept of gods being evil is subjective and varies across different religions and belief systems. Some people may see certain gods as evil based on their actions or the way they are portrayed in myths or scriptures. Ultimately, the perception of gods as good or evil is influenced by individual beliefs and perspectives.

What are the religious beliefs of the Mayan people?

They believed in many gods, and worshiped them.

Is good a more powerful force than evil in the modern world?

It's subjective and situational. Both good and evil exist in the world, but the perception of their power varies based on individual beliefs, actions, and circumstances. Ultimately, the balance between good and evil is a complex interplay that shapes the world we live in.

Was Jesus Christ evil because he always condemned people and did not respect their different beliefs and moral values.?

No, He was (is) not evil. He was condemning people who were evil, did not respect their evil beliefs, and certainly spoke out against their evil values that were manifest in thier morale values (the fruit of their evil ways).

Does occult always mean evil?

No. It's a neutral term, meaning "supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena." We reserve terms like "good" and "evil" for the intentions of the practitioners.