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Q: What is the Major reason the Massachusetts colony began?
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What is the major reason that the Massachusetts colony began?

doesn't mater all that mater is a great vvacation spot

What was the major reason Massachusetts colony began?

It served as a place for the Pilgrims and Puritans to freely practice their religions.

What was the major reason the Massachusetts colony began name the group of people who started the Massachusetts colony and name of the document they signed what was the effect of the document signed?

The Massachusetts Bay colony was established by the Massachusetts Bay Company. The Cambridge Agreement was signed in order to buy out some investors.

Who began the Massachusetts colony?

The Puritans founded the Massachusetts colony. They came to America for religious freedom, but they persecuted people as well.

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A debtors Colony

Was there a person involved in the beginning of the colony when it began?

I am not sure which colony you are asking about, but every colony had a founder, or a leading figure. For example, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by John Winthrop.

Began building towns in Massachusetts in 1630?

The Puritans began building towns in Massachusetts in 1630. The Puritans were part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. One group came in 1629 and another group came a year later.

Where did Revolutionary War begins?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord, cities in the colony of Massachusetts is where the Revolutionary war began.

Where the Revolutionary War begin?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord, cities in the colony of Massachusetts is where the Revolutionary war began.

What happened to Anne Hutchinson after she began disagreeing with Puritan beliefs?

She was forced to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Where did the puritans migrated to New England to where?

In 1620 the ship Mayflower landed on the Massachusetts coast and began Plymouth colony.

What was the state that had Maine?

It was Massachusetts