The German word for when is wenn.
You can find German family crests at, or at
The German word 'Haide' translates to 'Heath' in English As far as I know "Haide" isn't a word. Maybe you're thinking of "Heide"? That's "heathen" or "heathland". A word "Haide" does not exist in German. Only "Heide" exists, as explained above. Maybe Haide appears in old family names, then probably linked to the word "Heide".
The family name Kaminsky can be German, Jewish or German-Jewish in origin.
The German word for murder is Mord (der)The German word for murderer is Mörder (der)/ Mörderin (die)
my family = meine Familie
family = Familie
familie is the word for family in Dutch. It is a group of parents and children.
Not only is it the German word to "have", It is also a German family name. There are about 365 people in Germany by that name.
The name is "Familienstammbaum" or a little shorter "Stammbaum". Familien-stamm-baum translated word by word means family-tree-trunk.
The definition of the German word Familienkasse is Family Fund. It is the authority in Germany which is responsible for the family benefits. It is used for granting child benefits and the calculation of those benefits.
English "the family" is German "die Familie".
It could be Vorname (given name) or Nachname (family name). "Tailor" is "schneidern".
Chre is not a German word
Herr is mister in German for example: Herr Schiller = Mister schiller
Family of German Rulers before1871
The German word for "Who" is "Wer".