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"Tu sais pas" means "You do not know" in English.

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Q: What is the French Tu sais pas in English?
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What does tu sais pas in french?

'tu ne sais pas' means 'you don't know' in French. It can be said in an interrogative way (don't you know?). The form 'tu sais pas' exists in familiar, spoken language, but is not grammatically correct.

How do you say you do not know in french?

"You do not know" = "Tu ne sais pas" "I do not know" = "Je ne sais pas"

How do you say 'i don't know why you don't speak french'. In french?

"Il 'je ne sais pas pourquoi tu ne parles pas français."

What is 'Sais-tu' when translated from French to English?

"Do you know?" is a literal English equivalent of the French present indicative question Sais-tu? The pronunciation will be "seh-tyoo" in French.

Mais je n'ai pas sais tu parle francias?

Don't you mean "Mais, je ne sais pas si tu peux parler français." Which means, "But, I don't know if you can speak French."

What is 'Sais-tu ce qui m'est arrivé' when translated from French to English?

Sais-tu ce qui m'est arrivé? in French means "Do you know what has happened to me?" in English.

How do you say i love you but you don't know in french?

"Je t'aime mais tu ne le sais pas."

What verb is 'sais' in French?

The verb "sais" in French is the first person singular form of the verb "savoir," which means "to know" in English.

What is 'Tu sais parler français maintenant' when translated from French to English?

"do you speak French now?"

How do you say in french i do not know what are you talking about?

In French, you would say "Je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez."

What is 'Tu veux pas' when translated from French to English?

"You don't want to!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Tu veux pas! The exclamation represents the colloquial, friendly, informal way of saying Tu ne veux pas!The pronunciation will be "tyoo vuh pa" in French.

Tu sais que je peux pas sourire sans toi in English?

"You know that I can't smile without you."