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The Czech Republic uses the metric system.

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Q: What is the Czech republic's measuring system?
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How do you czechoslovakian?

There is no longer a Czechoslovakian country. The Czech and Slovak Republics are separate countries.

What damaged the forests of Poland and Czech Republics?

Acid-rain from pollution

Whats the absolute location for Czech Republic?

The absolute location of Czech Republic is approximately 49.8175° N latitude and 15.4730° E longitude.

What two modern countries were joined as Czechoslovakia?

The Czech Republic and Slovakia. Carpatho-Ukraine (Ruthenia) was also a part of the interwar republic, but was ceded to the USSR in 1945 as a part of Ukraine, whose national language is spoken by most of its people.

What is the name of present day Czechoslovakia?

Czechoslovakia is a sovereign state in central Europe.

What is Czech republics national flower?

The national flower is a tree. It's Tilia Cordata. Mainly for it's heart shaped leaves.

What are Czech republic's natural resources?

some of Czech republics natural resources are water, trees, animals like bears, birds, deer and lots of other types to. there also is lots of hills, and crops. it also has really perfect climate.

Who was elected new president in Czechoslovakia?

Miloš Zeman is set to become the third President of the Czech Republic in 2013. He is the first directly elected president in Czech history. He served as the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic from 1998 to 2002. Last president of Czechoslovakia was Václav Havel, until 1993 when Czech and Slovak Republics were established. President of Slovak Republic is Ivan Gašparovič.

Who colonized Czechoslovakia?

Slavic tribes from which current inhabitants of Czech and Slovak Republics are descended, settled here during the Migration Period during the time of Roman Empire.

When measuring temperature in the metric system the unit is the?

measuring temperature the metric system of °C is used.

How many are the Measuring Digits?

Measuring Digits are TWELVE (inches) in the British System and HUNDRED (centimetres) in the Metric System

What is America's measuring system?

America use the Imperial system.