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Q: What is the Committee of Correspondences?
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Renaissance theory of correspondences heart of the family?

In Renaissance theory of correspondences, the mother is the heart of the family. Before this period, most literary dramas focused more on religious themes.

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I have no time to entertain nugatory email correspondences

Is preparing correspondences a grammatically correct phrase?

"Preparing correspondences" could be a grammatically correct phrase, but it would be fairly unusual. This phrase would be appropriate only if the entity modified by the phrase is actually engaged in two or more different correspondences at the same time. For example, "Those four clerks are engaged in preparing correspondences with all of our ambassadors." For a single person to be preparing "correspondences", she would have to be writing or typing at least two different messages over the same time period, and this is not the way most people work. Under most circumstances, the singular "correspondence" is considered a collective noun that can include more than one individual message.

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committee, which

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