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Q: What is the Chinese dynasty of 1000 years ago?
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Who and when invented the firework?

The Chinese had them over a 1000 years ago.

What Chinese dynasty was around when rice was first used?

The Chinese people started to eat rice as far as 12,000 years ago. So there were NO dynasty around.

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The Chinese about 1000 years ago.

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The "Dragon Jar" was invented by Zhang Heng, an inventer of Han Dynasty more than 1000 years ago. It could measure if an earthquake occurred and in which direction.

What Chinese dynasty existed from about 960 to 1279?

I have just learned that the Liao Dynasty reigned in China during the years 916-1125, so it is an answer to the question, "What is a Chinese dynasty that ruled a thousand years ago?" The Liao Dynasty reigned in the northern part of China and was a barbaric tribe. The Dynasty that reigned the most of China was the Northern Song Dynasty.

How old is the Shang Dynasty that archaeologist are studying?

The Shang dynasty ruled from around 1600 BC until 1000 BC, so it started 3,600 years ago.

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Who used a gun first?

It was nearly 1000 years ago, so we do not have a record of his name- but it was probably Chinese.

When did Chinese history start?

5,000 years ago. But written history started only from Shang dynasty (16 century BC)

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the Chinese did, thousands of years ago

How many years ago was the Qing Dynasty established?

The Qing Dynasty was established in the year 1644 and ended in the year 1911. This year is 2012, so the Qing Dynasty started 368 years ago.

What are the ancestors of the the goldfish?

The Asian carp (Carassius gibelio) is the fish the Chinese breeders used to develop the goldfish over 1000 years ago.