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In the 1960s and '70s, Asian Americans mobilized for a slew of political causes, including the development of ethnic studies programs in universities, the end of the Vietnam War and reparations for Japanese Americans placed in internment camps during World War II.

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Q: What is the Asian American rights movement?
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What is the name of the Asian American cultural movement in the 1960's?

Asian American Civil Rights Movement

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The African-American Civil Rights Movement(1955-1968)

During which decade was the term Asian American first used?

In the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement. It was popularized by UCLA professor Yuji Ichioka.

What was the cause for the Asian American movement?

The Asian American movement was driven largely by student activists invigorated by anti-Vietnam war and black power movements. Challenging stereotypes about Asian "passivity" and rejecting labels such as "oriental," Asian American activists mobilized this new consciousness to demand an end to racist hiring practices, biased school curricula, demeaning media stereotypes, residential discrimination, and the gentrification of historically Asian American neighborhoods. And even though it was mostly a youth movement, it could be argued that the Asian American movement transformed older community institutions, created new ones, and dramatically advanced the position of Asian American power in American urban politics.

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What victories did the civil rights movement have?

For African American people everywhere to get equal rights.

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it is epic

Why did they fight for during the civil rights movement?

For the rights for equality among African American's to whites.

What political actions did the Asian Americans participate in during the 1960s?

In the early to mid-1960's, a number of individual Asian Americans activists such as Yuri Kochiyama participated individually in the Free Speech Movement, Civil Rights Movement, and anti-Vietnam War movement.

What group fought for the recognition of treaty rights?

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What connection did the American civil rights movement have to the struggles for human right in other areas of the world?

Many of the leaders of the American civil rights movement took inspiration from the methods used by anticolonial leaders.

When did the African American civil rights movement end?

It ended in 1968