

What is still attached to the mummies?

Updated: 9/29/2022
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15y ago

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hair,skin,and eyes are still attached to many of the mummies

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Q: What is still attached to the mummies?
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no they moved over to india

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How are mummies still alive?

No, they are not alive. Mummies are just wrapped up bodies that are preserved, along with their belongings, such as; Pets, jewerly, shoes, etc.

How come mummies hardly decompose in so many years ecpecially the hair?

mummies ARE preserved bodies..they wouldn't be called mummies if they decompose..and as for the hair, it doesn't really decompose. It's not just mummies. If you dig a grave from hundreds of years ago, i bet you will still see their hair. And most Egyptian mummies are bald by the way..

How many different types of mummies are there?

There are naturally preserved mummies which include:desert mummies , freeze dried mummies/ refrigerated mummies, bog bodies,Deliberately preserved mummies which include:egyptian mummies, chinese mummies, aleutian island mummy , Incan mummies and modern mummies

Are mummies steal living?

Do you mean are they still alive? No, they are well and truly dead.

Is the book of the dead still made today?

made not because how wants to be a mummies

How are mummies different from Egyptian mummies?

There are TONS of mummies outside of Egypt!! there have them all over Europe which some are even better preserved than Egyptian mummies. One mummy was found in russia and her facial features can still be seen (so we actually know 95% of how she looks like-- -5 because not her eyes) she still has her body tattooes etc...they call her princess (i don't remember her name)...

Do Egyptians still make mummies and why or why not?

Yes because in some parts of Egypt it is still considered a ritual in the culture.