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Q: What is something special about the planet Saturn?
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Something special about Saturn?

Something special about Saturn is it has a ring

What are the special conditions for the planet Saturn?


What is something special about Saturn?

The first thing we noticed about Saturn (other than its nature as a planet) was the extensive system of rings orbiting around its equator. These are thought to be the pulverized remnants of a small moon. In addition, Saturn is special for its size (second-largest planet in the Solar System), and for the fact that it is what's known as a gas giant -- that is, unlike the smaller planets, it has nothing we would recognize as a surface. Instead, Saturn is made mainly of hydrogen.

The planet is the next planet moving outward after Saturn?

I wonder if it is the planet :Uranus". Please forgive me if i had said something wrong.

How do you survive on Saturn planet?

You cant unless you are 20 years into the future with special equipment

Is there any special things on Saturn?

Well their is water, i think! By the way this is a random fact: Saturn is the largest and lightest planet in the universe.

What planet is Saturn from the sun?

Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun.

Is the planet Saturn a jovial planet or a terrestrial?

Saturn is a Jovian planet.

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Who is the planet Saturn named after?

Planet Saturn was named after the Roman god of agriculture, Saturn.

Is Saturn a planet?

Yes, Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun.

Is Saturn a terresterial planet?

No. Saturn is a gas giant planet.