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No American service man was killed anywhere in the world

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Q: What is something exciting that happened in 2003?
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Super Amusement Machine for Your Exciting Heart was created in 2003.

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The discovery of Gold and the Gold Rush.

What was the most exiting thing that happened to Daniel Radcliffe?

I think the most exciting thing that happened to him was when he was Harry Potter.

What 's the climax?

the most exciting part of something

Is exciting a adjectives?

If you describe something as exciting, as in "This concert is exciting", it is an adjective. If the word is used as in "The battery is exciting the circuit", meaning exciting is an action, then it is a verb.


have seggs with them for this one

How do you wait for something exciting to happen?

by keep praying for that day

How do you forget about something exciting?

just eat poo and wee

What does exciting mean?
