* 1786- 1787 * August 29, 1786 * millita defended Springfield Armory * Main Shaysites
There were many great rebellions, but none like shays rebellion. Shays' Rebellion was a militia uprising.
Definition of shays rebellion?
Shays's Rebellion forced courts to close.
The rebellion that led to the closing of courts in Massachusetts was Shays' Rebellion, named after its leader, Daniel Shays. The rebellion was eventually crushed.
Shays' Rebellion took place in 1786 and 1787. The rebellion took place in Massachusetts, and was named after its leader, Daniel Shays.
There were many great rebellions, but none like shays rebellion. Shays' Rebellion was a militia uprising.
Definition of shays rebellion?
It was the farm owners who rebelled in Shays' Rebellion. The rebellion occurred in Massachusetts and was led by Daniel Shays. Another prominent leader of the rebellion was Luke Day.
Shays's Rebellion forced courts to close.
The rebellion that led to the closing of courts in Massachusetts was Shays' Rebellion, named after its leader, Daniel Shays. The rebellion was eventually crushed.
Shays' Rebellion led some to the believe that the U.S. Constitution should create a more powerful federal government. The rebellion was led in part by Daniel Shays.
Daniel Shays
Shays' Rebellion took place in 1786 and 1787. The rebellion took place in Massachusetts, and was named after its leader, Daniel Shays.
he led shays rebellion
in conclusion shays rellion
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Shays Rebellion