Salut is french for hello or good bye.
Bon matin.
"Good taste" in French is "bon goût" (pronounced boh-goo)
c'est trés bon
bon voyage à Paris
Bonjour is most commonly as Hello. Bon-jawSalut is used as Hi. SalewBonne-mortin as good morning. Bon-mortinBonsoir as good-night. Bon-swaaaBonne nuit as good night. Bon-nui
bon appatite is a french word
bon bon
Latin American. Definitely not French.
"Good" in French is spelled "bon".
Bon appétit is a French expression. This is not foreign for the French.
Bon jour in French is "good day" in English.
You can say "c'est bon" in French to mean 'that's good.'
"bon jour," "bon soir"
It tastes nice is "ça a bon gout" or "c'est bon" in French.