

What is roman religion like?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is roman religion like?
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What was Herman Cortes religion?

Roman Catholic, like all good Spaniards of his time.

What is the dominant religion in ancient roman?

The dominant religion in the Roman Empire was the Roman religion until Christianity became the dominant religion.

Is there a name for ancient roman religion?

Roman religion

What is the religion of ancient Rome?

The Romans had their own religion: Roman religion. It was a polytheistic (it had many gods) pagan religion, like all the religions of antiquity. In late antiquity the Roman Empire became Christian.

Who had a great influence on the roman monothestic religion?

Romans religion was not monotheistic. Like the religions of most ancient peoples, it was polytheistic. Early Roman religion was a variant of Latin religion with a degree of influence by the nearby Sabines and Etruscans and the Greeks of southern Italy.

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Etruscan mythology- look a like roman religion with more than one god

Is Roman Catholicism the religion in France?

France's largest religion is Roman Catholic.

What are similarities and differences Roman religion and religion of ancient Greek religion?

There were basically the same gods and goddesses. Like Hercules and Heracles. But their way of living was a bit different.

What type of books does the Roman Catholic Religion use?

The Roman Catholic Religion uses The Bible.

What religion was practiced in Roman provinces that didn't have several gods like the Roman religion?

If you are talking monotheistic which you are, I would suppose Judaism in the more eastern provinces and maybe Zoroastrianism on the border of Parthia/Sassanid empires

What religion was Charles V?

His religion was Roman Catholicism.

What is Brazil's religion?

Roman Cathlioc. Roman Cathlioc.

What was the pagan roman religion popular with soldiers?

Mithraism was the male only religion popular with the Roman soldiers.

Is Durango's religion Roman Catholic?

There is no official religion in Mexico, but yes, the majority of the population is Roman Catholic.

Why did the roman empire reject Christianity in the beginning?

The roman religion consisted of a large amount of Gods. Christianity has one God. The Romans didn't like that.

What was Luther's religion called?

Luther's religion was a form of Christian Roman Catholicism that had distinct changes, like not having a Pope. This religion was generally known as protestantism. A mainstream religion call Lutheranism was created in Luther's name.

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