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Q: What is remarkable and distubing about the declaration of war scene at the gas station Fahrenheit 51?
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What temp do they keep the space station on the inside?

65 deegree celsius or 149 Fahrenheit

What is the temperature inside a spaceship?

The temperature inside a spaceship is typically controlled and maintained within a comfortable range for the crew, usually around 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22 degrees Celsius). Thermal control systems are used to manage heat generated by equipment and the crew's activities to ensure a stable and safe environment.

What is the minimum temperature at which all dishes must be cooked at and for how long in wok station?

Minimum dishes cooked is 160 degrees Fahrenheit, not sure about the wok station.

What is remarkable to Marlow about the appearance of the station accountant in Heart of Darkness?

This is an interesting question! We've notified our experts in this category and we'll email you when there is a response.

How hot does a cigarette burn in Fahrenheit?

well i was messing around with a heat gun and our thermal imaging device at the fire station the other day and it read around 720-750 degrees Fahrenheit. during a draw about 1200 F.

What is the temperature inside the International Space Station?

The temperature inside the International Space Station is usually kept around 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius). Specialized systems are in place to regulate the temperature to ensure the comfort and safety of the astronauts on board.

What is the highest and lowest temperature on Earth?

The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 134 degrees Fahrenheit (56.7 degrees Celsius) in Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA on July 10, 1913. The lowest temperature ever recorded was minus 128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 89.2 degrees Celsius) at the Soviet Union's Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983.

What is the coldest temp on earth?

The coldest temperature ever recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 degrees Celsius or −128.6 degrees Fahrenheit at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica.

What is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at an Antarctic research station hours after 1200 A.M.?

There are many research stations on Antarctica -- about 74 -- so in answer to your question, here is the answer you want about Davis Station, supported by Australia: The temperature for overnight February 17, 2016 is 31 to 34 degrees F.

What is the average temperature at mawson station?

The average temperature at Mawson Station in Antarctica is around -12 degrees Celsius (10.4 degrees Fahrenheit). This can vary throughout the year with temperatures dropping significantly in winter.

Where was the lowest tamperature ever recorded in antrantica?

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius), which occurred at the Soviet Union's Vostok Station on July 21, 1983.

Parrots chewing similarties to humans?

Parrots don't chew. They simply swallow. They bite off small amounts of food and Gulp! down the hatch. The next station is the crop, and the food can sit there for a bit, and then it goes to the stomach. Be warned, however, that pigeons and doves don't have this remarkable feature.