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I would use the word "daredevil" to describe Louis XIV. He was a very courageous and successful warrior. He is buried in an airtight tomb covered in so many layers of materials, that wnen they excavated him, his body was in nearly perfectly preserved condition.

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Q: What is one word the describes Louis XIV?
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Why was Louis XIV of France important?

Well Louis XIV was the one who declared dance as an art form because of Catherine de Medici. If it wasn't for him performing arts schools like Frank Sinatra School of the Arts and LaGuardia HS wouldn't include dance.

Who was Louis XIV?

Louis the fourteenth was one of the kings of France, prior to the revolution (which happened in the reign of Louis the sixteenth). and also was called the sun kingLouis XIV, known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, was a monarch of the House of Bourbon who ruled as King of France and Navarre from 1643 until his death.

One word that describes todays life?


Why did Louis xiv think revoking the edict would make France stronger?

France would be unified under one religion.

Was Louis XV of France related to the emperor of Austria?

Yes but not very closely, Louis was a Bourbon of France and the Austrian Archduke would be the Holy Roman Emperor and would have been an Austrian Hapsburg.The two families are interlinked by marriages at various points. The closest one I can think of is through Louis XV's father - Also a Louis and Duke of Burgandy who was the son of the Dauphin (The heir to the French Throne and also a Louis) which takes us to Louis XIV our Louis XV's GreatGrandfather who managed to out live both the Dauphin and the Duke of Burgandy which is why Louis XV gets to be king rather than his dad or grandad.Louis XIV "The Sun King" was probably France's greatest ever king and he had married a Spanish Hapsburg "Marie-Therese" The Spanish branch of the Hapsburg Family is related to the Austrian Branch but there was a war (of the Spanish Succession) to prevent the two crowns merging.So Yes Louis XV would be related to the various Emperors in power during his reign - but a bit tenuously.This is all a bit handwavy sorry!

Related questions

What was Louis XIV family background?

King Louis XIV was one quarter French, one half Spanish and one quarter Italian.

What French monarch was best known as the Sun King?

Louis XIV of France was known as The Sun King. he was known as the Sun King because of the idea that as the planets revolve around the Sun, so too should France and the court revolve around him

Who is King Louis XIV's great-grandson?

Only counting the legitimate line: Louis XIV's grandsons were Louis Duke of Burgundy, Philip V of Spain and Charles Duke of Berry, who were the sons of his only son Louis the Dauphin (Crown prince). Sadly, Both the Dauphin and his eldest son the Duke of Burgundy died before Louis XIV, leaving the elderly king's only heir and eventual successor to be his toddler great-grandson Louis Duke of Anjou who ascended as Louis XV when Louis XIV died in 1715. And yes, contrary to popular belief Louis XV is not the son of Louis XIV but rather his great-grandson

What are some accomplishments of Louis XIV?

One of Louis XIV accomplishments was to improve the economy of his country. He also built fortresses to keep his country safe, this was another big accomplishment.

Who is the man with the most roman numerals after their name Louie XIV?

No, there were several Louis after Louis XIV (14th). The final one was Louis XVIII who was king of France from 1814 to 1824 with a short gap in 1815 for Napoleon

How did King Louis XIV make a living?

Kings live off revenue (that is, taxes); they do not 'make a living'. Louis XIV was no different, except that he was probably one of the most extravangant kings ever.

Who chose King Louis XIV to be king?

no one chose him, he was the next king after his grandfather die

How many battles did Louis XIV lost?

King Louis the fourteenth was one of the most important rulers of France. During his reign Louis lost three battles.

What is one way sulieman the magnificent akbar the great and Louis XIV are similar?

the were all absolute monarchs

How did Louis XIV change the French government?

Louis XIV created the most stunning example of absolutism that ever existed. The Sun King finished what Richelieu started, gathering all of the power together in the hands of one person.

Why was Louis XIV of France important?

Well Louis XIV was the one who declared dance as an art form because of Catherine de Medici. If it wasn't for him performing arts schools like Frank Sinatra School of the Arts and LaGuardia HS wouldn't include dance.

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