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Q: What is one way the king of Ghana preserved his power?
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Why did some of Ghana's king continue to practice aspect of their tradition religion after the arrival of Islam?

One of the traditions was that the king would be an descendant from someone who settled Ghana. If the king/future king decided not to follow the traditional beliefs, he would lose his claime to the throne.

Why did some of Ghana king continue to practice aspects of their traditional religion after the arrival of Islam?

One of the traditions was that the king would be an descendant from someone who settled Ghana. If the king/future king decided not to follow the traditional beliefs, he would lose his claime to the throne.

Why did some Ghana's kings continue to practice aspects of their traditional religion after the arrival of Islam?

One of the traditions was that the king would be an descendant from someone who settled Ghana. If the king/future king decided not to follow the traditional beliefs, he would lose his claime to the throne.

Why did some of Ghana's kings continue to practice aspects to their traditional religion after the arrival of Islam?

One of the traditions was that the king would be an descendant from someone who settled Ghana. If the king/future king decided not to follow the traditional beliefs, he would lose his claime to the throne.

Why did Some of Ghana's kings continued to practice aspects of their traditional religion after the arrival of Islam?

One of the traditions was that the king would be an descendant from someone who settled Ghana. If the king/future king decided not to follow the traditional beliefs, he would lose his claime to the throne.

Why did some of Ghana kings continue to practice aspects to their traditional religion after the arrival of Islam?

One of the traditions was that the king would be an descendant from someone who settled Ghana. If the king/future king decided not to follow the traditional beliefs, he would lose his claime to the throne.

N what way did Kwame Nkrumah's early political beliefs not match the policies he put in place once in power in Ghana?

Nkrumah called for political freedom in Ghana, but once in power he put in place a one-party system with himself as a permanent leader.

What way did Kwame Nkrumah's early political beliefs not match the policies he put in place once in power in Ghana?

Nkrumah called for political freedom in Ghana, but once in power he put in place a one-party system with himself as a permanent leader.

What happened in Ghana?

It declined because of the 1000 C.E. War and the loss of natural resources. In the seond half of the 11th century, Muslim warriors called Almoravids began attacking Ghana's empire. During the war, the empire broke apart. Ghana's king later regained power in 1087, but the old empire had broken apart. The loss of natural resources put a strain on Ghana's great population. The disapperance of Ghana opened the way to the rise of a new empire, called Mali.

Which country in Africa practices the best democracy is it Ghana Nigeria South Africa?

EDWRD ghana has the best democracy in terms of power transfers and also has one of the best pilars of democracy " the media"

How many people hold power in a monarchy?

One holds power and that is the king.

How long has king mohammed VI been in power?

Muhammad bin Abdullah is prophet not a king. In Islam no one though him as a king but prophet. Prophet is great then a king. King just only can sit on a country and we human give this king power but in paper but prophet had their power or authorize from GOD to a leader.