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The greatest battle in US Marine Corps history will always be "The Battle for Iwo Jima"; and their flag raising there.

For decades, the US public always believed that the statue of Marines/and one Sailor raising the flag was a WWII memorial; only in the last 10 or so years did the public learn (or realize) that that was a statue dedicated to the US Marine Corps.

The issue came up when somebody said, "hey we gotta build a memorial to WWII vets, there ain't one!" The reply was, "...oh yes there is, the one with the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima!" After some research, "...guess that's not for all WWII vets, it's strictly for the Corps." So the US public had a WWII memorial built a few years back.

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Q: What is one of the battles the Marines fought in before the Vietnam war?
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How many Army and How many Marines fought in Vietnam?

About 20,000

Whose land did the so called Vietnam War fought on?

The USAF/USN fought their "Air" war over North Vietnam. The US Army/Marines fought in South Vietnam. Covert operators (Special Forces, Seals, Ravens, etc.) fought in Cambodia & Laos.

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Iwo Jima & Okinawa were both major battles where the Japanese fought US Marines in WW2 .

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There were two wars: The air war over North Vietnam and the ground war in South Vietnam. The US Air Force and US Navy (aircraft carriers) fought the war in the North. The US Army and Marine Corps fought the war in the South. USMC jets supported their marines in the south. The US Army and US Marine aviation units, for the most part, stayed out of North Vietnam.

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Japan fought Vietnam during that war

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If the question is referring to the cold war. There were no battles fought. Cold War means NO FIGHTING. NO KILLING. NO BATTLES. However, there were two "Hot" battles (which were actually wars; so one could say two hot wars fought during the cold war) fought between the powers of Communism and the powers of the Free World: The Korean War (1950-1953) & The Vietnam War (1961-1975). The communists lost the Korean War (they failed to conquer South Korea); but won the Vietnam War (they conquered South Vietnam).

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How many US Marines served in Vietnam?

For "a starter", recommend obtaining the book titled, "VIETNAM ORDER OF BATTLE", By Shelby L. Stanton. A second publication, originally founded by retired COL Harry Summers (1932-1999), is a magazine established in the late 1970's, titled "VIETNAM"; this publication OFTEN supplys advertisements concerning "lists" for war historians.