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There are many good things that Nero did for the Roman people but we only remember him for the scandals and (exaggerated) perversions, due to the ancient historians who always tried to moralize. For starters, he reduced heavy taxes. He gave salaries to impoverished senators, He introduced fire-fighting regulations and the use of fire-preventing materials in buildings. He did away with the public banquets and replaced them with grain distribution. He is said to have devised a method of forgery prevention. He passed laws, punishing the charioteers for their rowdy behaviors in the city, he gave Rome its first imperial bath. The parks and gardens of his Golden house were open to the public for recreation.

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Although rarely given credit for it, Nero did several good things as emperor. Some of them are the curbing of the excesses of the chariot drivers, the gift to the people of the first of the imperial baths, the rebuilding of the city after the Great Fire according to strict safety codes, the innovations in his Golden House, such as use of the dome and a revolving ceiling, the reduction of taxes for Greece and peace with Parthia.

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Q: What is one good thing Nero did as Roman Emperor?
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Why did vespasianus build the colosseum after the death of Nero?

It was probably to increase his popularity with the Roman people. Nero was the most hated emperor as yet, and he was quickly followed by three other unpopular emperors who did not last long. The Colosseum was built where Nero's lavish palace had been, and it was a good way to show the Romans that the new emperor was their friend.

Was the Emperor Nero a good fiddler?

Opinions will always vary.

Who was Roman emperor when the apostle Peter was executed?

A second-century tradition was that Peter was beheaded on the orders of the Emperor Nero, while a later tradition was that Peter was crucified upside down. However, it is good to ignore many such legends that arise without any eidence to support them. We have no reason to believe that Paul was executed, whether by beheading or crucifixion.

What reputation did the Roman Emperor Titus have?

The emperor Titus had a good reputation and was much loved by the people during his reign. At first they thought he was going to be another Nero as he liked wild living, associated with stage people and actors, and carried on a blatant affair with a Jewish princess named Berenice. However once he was confirmed as emperor he changed and settled down to be one of the better emperors even though his reign was short and marred by the disaster in Pompeii.

How did emperors Caligula and Nero differ from their predecessor Agustus?

IN a book titled IMPACT, it states that Agustus was a good emperor while Caligula and Nero were bad emperors and weak.

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How is evaluated the ruling of the roman emperor Nero?

he was good and bad

Why did vespasianus build the colosseum after the death of Nero?

It was probably to increase his popularity with the Roman people. Nero was the most hated emperor as yet, and he was quickly followed by three other unpopular emperors who did not last long. The Colosseum was built where Nero's lavish palace had been, and it was a good way to show the Romans that the new emperor was their friend.

Was the Emperor Nero a good fiddler?

Opinions will always vary.

Nero was the adopted son of?

Emperor Claudius. Claudius was Nero's great uncle, making Agrippina, Nero's mom, Claudius's niece. :D Good luck.

Did the roman emperor constatine have a good or bad reputation?

he was a good emperor

Was Nero considered one of the great roman emperors?

No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.No, Nero was considered a bad emperor as his memory was damned by the senate. However the ancient Roman senate could be said to be a bit biased as far as Nero was concerned as the senatorial class suffered massive losses in both financial and property areas due to Nero.

Who was Roman emperor when the apostle Peter was executed?

A second-century tradition was that Peter was beheaded on the orders of the Emperor Nero, while a later tradition was that Peter was crucified upside down. However, it is good to ignore many such legends that arise without any eidence to support them. We have no reason to believe that Paul was executed, whether by beheading or crucifixion.

What reputation did the Roman Emperor Titus have?

The emperor Titus had a good reputation and was much loved by the people during his reign. At first they thought he was going to be another Nero as he liked wild living, associated with stage people and actors, and carried on a blatant affair with a Jewish princess named Berenice. However once he was confirmed as emperor he changed and settled down to be one of the better emperors even though his reign was short and marred by the disaster in Pompeii.

Who is Claudius the Roman Emperor?

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula. After Caligula's murder, the Praetorians were looking for someone to become emperor and they were said to have found Claudius hiding behind a drape. Because he was the only member of the imperial family to be found, he was hailed as emperor. At least that's how the story goes. At any rate, Claudius, who was not trained for public life due to his physical challenges, became emperor and with the help of his advisers turned out to be a fairly good emperor and left the state in good shape and good financial health at his death. He adopted Nero as his heir over his own son and when he showed signs of changing his mind, Nero's mother is said to have poisoned him before he could act.

How did the lottery start?

It started in the Roman times with Emperor Nero. He was a slightly crazy emperor which held lotteries. In these lotteries you could receive something good like a new house or something bad like a swarm of bees. He often had the tickets catapulted along with poisonous snakes.

How did emperors Caligula and Nero differ from their predecessor Agustus?

IN a book titled IMPACT, it states that Agustus was a good emperor while Caligula and Nero were bad emperors and weak.

Did the people of rome like the emperor Nero?

People believe he was a good ruler, and people thought he was cool.