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Q: What is one explanation for the fall of the roman and the han dynasties is that they both?
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How many dynasties ruled after the fall of the HAN dynasty?

6 dynasties.

How was china after the Han Dynasty like Europe after the fall of rome?

After the fall of the Han Dynasty, China experienced a period of political fragmentation and instability similar to Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. Various regional warlords and dynasties emerged and competed for power, leading to disunity and frequent conflicts. Both China and Europe experienced a decline in centralized authority, economic decline, and the emergence of new political entities during this period.

What was the pattern of the rise and fall of Chinese dynasties called?

A person of great ability (or sometimes great luck) can create a dynasty which can last for a long time as long as the various successors have sufficient ability, but once you get a dynastic heir who is particularly incompetent, the dynasty will fall.

What building survived the fall of the roman empire?

The Roman Catholic church survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church survived the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

What date do most historians give as when the westeren Roman Emipire fell or ened?

476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.

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How many dynasties ruled after the fall of the HAN dynasty?

6 dynasties.

What were the reasons for the fall of the H apsburg dynasties?

they pooped to much

Which dynasty claimed to rule china under the mandate of heaven?

basically all of them. The Mandate of Heaven was a religious order that didn't die with the change in dynasties, much like how Christianity didn't die with the fall of the Roman Empire or Holy Roman Empire.

What was the year of the fall of the roman empire?

476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman Empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.

What is the dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is the belief that the rise and fall of dynasties is controlled by Heaven (God).

How was china after the Han Dynasty like Europe after the fall of rome?

After the fall of the Han Dynasty, China experienced a period of political fragmentation and instability similar to Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. Various regional warlords and dynasties emerged and competed for power, leading to disunity and frequent conflicts. Both China and Europe experienced a decline in centralized authority, economic decline, and the emergence of new political entities during this period.

The western Roman Empire is said to have fallen in 476 CE what happened during this year?

476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.

What was the role of the fall of the roman empire?

Please be more specif. What was the role of the fall of the Roman Empire in what?

What was the Production Budget for The Fall of the Roman Empire?

The Production Budget for The Fall of the Roman Empire was $19,000,000.

What was the pattern of the rise and fall of Chinese dynasties called?

A person of great ability (or sometimes great luck) can create a dynasty which can last for a long time as long as the various successors have sufficient ability, but once you get a dynastic heir who is particularly incompetent, the dynasty will fall.

What building survived the fall of the roman empire?

The Roman Catholic church survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church survived the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

What date do most historians give as when the westeren Roman Emipire fell or ened?

476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.