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I believe it means that it is typical of human beings to want to be credited with everything.The truth,however,will reveal to us that the greater and more important an achievement is,the more people would have been involved.After American astronauts had landed on the moon in 1969,there was controversy as to who should step on it first because they all wanted to be referred to as being the first to step on the moon.But not all great men resents a partner in greatness. I believe it means that it is typical of human beings to want to be credited with everything.The truth,however,will reveal to us that the greater and more important an achievement is,the more people would have been involved.After American astronauts had landed on the moon in 1969,there was controversy as to who should step on it first because they all wanted to be referred to as being the first to step on the moon.But not all great men resents a partner in greatness.

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Q: What is meant by the quote It is a law of nature that every great man inevitably resents a partner in greatness?
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