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the aveoli in lungs is extremely fragile and can be damaged easily. Heavier-than-Air gas an sit in the aveoli and prevent oxygen (which is relatively light) from entering. such gasses include carbon dioxide, sulfur hexaflouride, and xenon. Metal dust is also a major threat, as in powdered form, most metals are extremly reactive. Lead is easily the most known of these threats.

This being said, respitory precautions can mean several things, but general notifies of a breathing hazard.

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Q: What is meant by respiratory precautions?
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What is respiratory precaution?

In addition to Standard Precautions and Contact Precautions use Droplet (Respiratory) Precautions for patients known or suspected to be infected with microorganisms transmitted by droplets. Droplets can be generated by the patient coughing, sneezing, talking or during the performance of procedure (e.g. nebulisers).

Is chickenpox precautions another name for universal precautions?

No, chickenpox precautions and universal precautions are different. Universal precautions is the principle of treating all patients as if they were known to have an infection. Chickenpox precautions are a specific approach to isolation that takes into account both respiratory isolation and contact isolation.

What are the safety precautions for respiratory system?

to avoid lung cancer...stop smoking

What are airborne precautions?

Airborne precautions are required to protect against airborne transmission of infectious agents.Diseases requiring airborne precautions include, but are not limited to: Measles, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Varicella (chickenpox), and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Preventing airborne transmission requires personal respiratory protection and special ventilation and air handling.

What is meant by contact precautions?

In order to prevent spread of infections, "contact precautions" are often instituted in hospital settings. Thus, gloves, gowns and masks should be worn when in a patient's room where "contact precautions" is listed on the door.

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What is meant by the term respiratory rate?

It is basically the rate at which you breathe, measured in breaths per minute. There are different breathing or respiratory rates for different ages.

How do you pleura function their respiratory system?

Er... what? Perhaps you meant to ask the question below (see the link)

What are the 6 morphine precautions?

1. Nausea and vomiting 2. Pruritus 3. Hypotension 4. respiratory depression 5. Urinary retention 6. Constipation Kirth, Philippine general hospital

What are universal precautions?

Universal precautions are a set of infection control practices that healthcare personnel use to reduce transmission of microorganisms in healthcare settings. They protect healthcare personnel and patients from contact with infectious agents. Examples include hand washing, personal protective equipment, respiratory hygiene, and surface disinfection.

What is the entry to the respiratory system called?

The upper respiratory system (where air enters and exits the body) is composed of the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The lower respiratory system (where the air moves to be processed) consists of the trachea, the bronchi, and the lungs. So the answer is either the nose and mouth, or the trachea, depending on how you meant the question.

List down 3 precautions used in isolation and culturing procedures?

Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, lab coat, and face mask to prevent contamination and exposure. Maintain a sterile work area by disinfecting surfaces and equipment before and after use. Follow aseptic techniques to prevent the introduction of outside contaminants into the culture.