I think the word you are asking about is monarch.
A monarch was a sole head of a government, whose position was hereditary to at least some degree. A king was a monarch, as was an emperor. There were princes, dukes, and even counts who were monarchs, because they did not have royal overlords, but were at the top of their governments.
There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.
Medieval castles.
medieval times queens position at middle ages.
There is no way of knowing what the "first" song was in Medieval Times.
tiles that were made in the medieval times
Buckingham Palace.
There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.
Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.
A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer
Medieval times
Medieval castles.
Golf wasn't created during the medieval times.
For my senior trip im going to medieval times
Dark Medieval Times was created in 1993.
In Medieval Times, pesants drank beer and ale.
medieval times queens position at middle ages.
There is no way of knowing what the "first" song was in Medieval Times.