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Here are names and dates of Kings and Queens of England, 1066-1509 (since the question specifies 1066, I am guessing it refers to England):

William I, the Conquer, and Matilda of Flanders, 1066-1087

William II, Rufus, 1087-1100

Henry I, Beauclerc, and (1) Edith of Scotland or (2) Adeliza of Louvain, 1100-1135

Steven of Blois, and Matilda of Boulogne (in civil war with Matilda), 1135-1154

Matilda and (1) Emperor Henry V or (2) Geoffrey of Normandy (in civil war with Steven), 1141

Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1154-1189

Richard I, the Lionheart, and Berengaria of Navarre, 1189-1199

John Lackland and (1) Isabel of Gloucester or (2) Isabella of Angouleme, 1199-1216

Henry III and Eleanor of Provence, 1217-1272

Edward I, Longshanks, and (1) Eleanor of Castile or (2) Margaret of France, 1272-1307

Edward II and Isabella of France, 1307-1327

Edward III and Philippa of Hainault, 1327-1377

Richard II and (1) Anne of Bohemia or (2) Isabella of Valois, 1377-1399

Henry IV, Bolingbroke, and (1) Mary de Bohun or (2) Joanna of Navarre, 1399-1413

Henry V and Catherine of Valois, 1413-1422

Henry VI (2 reigns) and Margaret of Anjou, 1422-1461 and 1470-1471

Edward IV (2 reigns) and Elizabeth Woodville, 1461-1470 and 1471-1483

Edward V, 1483

Richard III and Anne Neville, 1483-1485

Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, 1485-1509

There is more information at the link below, including links to the individuals.

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Q: What is information on kings and queens in the years 1066-1500?
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Who were some of the major kings and queens during the middle ages?

The Middle Ages lasted about 1000 years, and there were more countries then I can count, most of which had kings and/or queens. That said, a few kings and kings were: Charlemagne Alfred the Great William the Conqueror Louis VII of France Henry II of England Matilda of England Richard I of England Louis IX of France Wenceslaus of Bohemia Margaret I of Denmark

Who were 2 kings from Spain in the years 1492-1700?

See the link below and pick any two. The complete list of kings and Queens of Spain between 1492 and 1700 is the following: Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, Juana I of Castile, Charles I of Spain, Philip II, Philip III, Philip IV and Charles II.

Did ancient rome used to be governed by a king?

Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.Yes, ancient Rome was governed by kings for roughly 240 years. Romulus, the mythological founder of the city was the first king.

What roman king was first christian?

That would be Paul, who was a Roman by birth and became a Christian on the road to Damascus.Another answerconstantine was the first one and emperor also

Where were the kings of France crowned for hundred of years?

i dont know get a book

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The Middle Ages lasted about 1000 years, and there were more countries then I can count, most of which had kings and/or queens. That said, a few kings and kings were: Charlemagne Alfred the Great William the Conqueror Louis VII of France Henry II of England Matilda of England Richard I of England Louis IX of France Wenceslaus of Bohemia Margaret I of Denmark

Dose france have a queen?

No.France hasn't been a monachy for ages, they did away with their kings and queens in a revolutionseveral hundred years ago.not since 1848, and a Republic since 1870.

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The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.

Who were 2 kings from Spain in the years 1492-1700?

See the link below and pick any two. The complete list of kings and Queens of Spain between 1492 and 1700 is the following: Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, Juana I of Castile, Charles I of Spain, Philip II, Philip III, Philip IV and Charles II.