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Q: What is important when looking at historical sources?
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Where can one get a list of historical romance books?

You can get a list of historical romance books from a variety of sources. You can try looking at your local library, you can read blogs on the subject, or you can inquire on forums.

What is an important factor when evaluating online research sources for a historical research paper?

A. A password protected site.

What are the classification of historical sources?

Primary sources and secondary sources

Why are surveys one of the important sources to know about the historical facts?

I think it's important because they want to know more about you (to be honest is like a test about you and your appearance)

Why are the surveys of the important sources to know about the historical facts?

I think it's important because they want to know more about you (to be honest is like a test about you and your appearance)

What are sources of law in Zambia?

legal sources,customery sources,historical.

Why sources of more important for study of history?

because history is more important in our life history it give more information about historical place & kings and kingdom

Why is it important to study ocean currents?

It is important because when your looking at historical events in history involving currents most of the events have involved weather

Because letters provide important information about a wide variety of people they are considered one of the most of historical sources.?

democratic (apexvs)

Because letters provide important information about a wide variety of people they are considered one of the most of historical sources?

democratic (apexvs)

Which is necessary to validate a claim about an event in history?

Corroborated sources of historical evidence. (APEX) !/

What is the importance of sources in historical reconstruction?

In general sources in history are divided in two primary and secondary. They are important because they teach a child about how was documents written during the time and after that. Also sources hepl history telling how wars were developed.