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Q: What is human solidarity?
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What is global solidarity?

Global solidarity is an act on behalf of the one human family that inhabits the earth. It calls those who are strong to care for those who are weak and vulnerable across the spectrum of human life.

What is Christian Solidarity Worldwide's motto?

Christian Solidarity Worldwide's motto is 'Christian Solidarity Worldwide is a Christian organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice.'.

What has the author Norman Geras written?

Norman Geras has written: 'Solidarity in the conversation of humankind' -- subject(s): Rescue, World War, 1939-1945, Human beings, Liberalism, Solidarity, Jews

How do you make a sentence with solidarity?

we are solidarity for freedom

How would you use solidarity in a sentence?

Solidarity means unity or aggrement. They had a feeling of solidarity after their workout together.

How do you you solidarity in a sentence?

I stand in solidarity with you in hating the evil of the world.The workers' solidarity made the boss change his mind.

Who sang solidarity?

Solidarity was sang by Pete Seeger and The Weavers

When was Movement for Solidarity created?

Movement for Solidarity was created in 2007.

When was Solidarity Party created?

Solidarity Party was created in 1986.

When was Solidarity Forever created?

Solidarity Forever was created in 1915.

When was Solidarity - UK - created?

Solidarity - UK - was created in 1960.

When was Afghan Solidarity created?

Afghan Solidarity was created in 2001.