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Hitler (as were many people of the time) was a Eugenicist and believed that the elimination of the "weak and deformed" would strengthen the Human "breed". As his criteria of "ideal" human characteristics were very narrow it required eliminating many people. However unlike most other Eugenicists of the time who only advocated sterilization to eliminate people from breeding on to the next generation, Hitler and other Nazis went the faster route of killing.

Reading Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" will help you understand his Racist Eugenics better (especially his odd and very extreme view that "as long as there is a Jew alive in the world Germany cannot succeed at anything she attempts", which goes way beyond anything in Eugenics), but it can be quite an incomprehensible read.

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He did not see a place for them in his society.

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He hated Russians and Jews most of all.

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