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As i know Allah created Hazrat Adam.Angels opposd But Allah said i know better than u.then Allaha said to all angels bowd in front of Adam.all did except ablees.he was proudy.Allah said to hazrat adam go nd entertain in janat but dont eat this wheat.but ablees give deceive to adam he eat it .so God as a punishment send hazrat adam to earth where he lived 1026 years.

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According to Islamic tradition, Islam traces its origins back to the first human being, Adam. However, the formal beginning of Islam as a religion is considered to be with the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE. Muhammad received revelations from Allah (God), which were compiled into the Quran. These teachings spread across Arabia and beyond, leading to the rapid expansion of Islam as a major world religion. The history of Islam since then is marked by the establishment of great Islamic empires, the development of Islamic sciences and arts, and a rich cultural heritage.

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Q: What is history of Islam from Hazrat Adam?
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When did the history of Islam begin?

History of Islam is as old as the history of mankind. The first man Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first Muslim and the first Prophet of Islam as Islam is the religion given to mankind by Almighty Allah. All the Prophets had been teaching Islam. The last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him) was born in Makka in 570 AD. He started preaching Islam in 610 at the age of 40. Islam is a universal religion. It is in fact continuity of Judaism and Christianity. It teaches equality of all human beings. It also teaches universal human brotherhood as all humans are the creatures of Almighty God, and He loves them all.

Who offered the first fajr prayer in history of Islam?

After about ten days, the Prophet moved from Quba mounted on the back of a camel. Ansars and Muhajirs followed him. On the way he stopped for Juma - Friday congregational prayers. From that day, Juma prayer has become a regular weekly worship in Islam.

Philoshpy that inspired the nation of Islam?

Present day Islam originated in Arabia. The last prophet of islam started preaching Islam at the age of 40, in 610 AD. The last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) told all mankind that all human beings are the off-spring of a single couple-Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Eve (AS). Islam is for whole human race. Its appeal is to all humans. It believes in universal human brotherhood. According to the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Almighty Allah has created all humans from one couple- Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Eve (AS). Neither any White man has any superiority to a Black man, nor a Black man has any superiority to a White man. Islam believes in the equality of all humans. It is above caste, color or Geographical bounds. All the Muslims are the members of ONE Ummah established by the last Prophet (SAW).The philosophy that ispired the nation of Islam the belief in Almighty Allah (God) Sura Baqra -2. Aya 163: And your Allah is ONE Allah, There is no god but He.

Who is the Arab prophet of Islam?

hazrat mohammad (P.B.H)

Who are the Founding fathers of Islam?

The primary founding father of Islam is Muhammad. The Muslims consider him as the last prophet sent by God to all mankind. Muhammad, however, also had twelve apostles who were fundamental in establishing Islam as a religion and political system that could outlast Muhammad. Some of these individuals included: Abu Bakr, 'Omar, 'Othman, 'Ali, Aïsha, Fatima, and Salman the Persian,

Related questions

When did the religion of islam being?

When Hazrat Adam (A.S) Created.

What are the names of the religious leaders and founders for Islam?

All the Prophets of Almighty Allah preached Islam. They include Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Noah, Hazrat Abraham, Hazrat Moses, Hazrat Jesus Christ and Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon them all).

Who began Islam as a religious faith?

The first Prophet Hazrat Adam AS, the next prophets and the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) began Islam as a religion.

When was the Islam religion begin?

All the Prophets preached Islam. Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first Prophet of Islam. The last Prophet of Islam was Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) who started preaching Islam in570 AD, in Kakka, Arabia.

What origin of man acording to Islam?

According to Islam, Allah Almighty wanted to have His Caliph on the earth. He created Adam and Eve (May peace be upon them). All the human beings are the off-spring of Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Eve (Called Hawwa in Arabic).

Who is the first bearded person?

According to history of world and Faith of Islam,first Person of world Hazrat Adam was bearded person,so Hazrat Adam is called first bearded person,later it followed by many of faith and religions,especially followers of Hazrat Muhammad Last prophet of Muslims,believe in wearing beard as Sunnah of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

When did the history of Islam begin?

History of Islam is as old as the history of mankind. The first man Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first Muslim and the first Prophet of Islam as Islam is the religion given to mankind by Almighty Allah. All the Prophets had been teaching Islam. The last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him) was born in Makka in 570 AD. He started preaching Islam in 610 at the age of 40. Islam is a universal religion. It is in fact continuity of Judaism and Christianity. It teaches equality of all human beings. It also teaches universal human brotherhood as all humans are the creatures of Almighty God, and He loves them all.

Who was Hazrat Adam in Islam?

Hazrat Adam(A.S) was the first man on Earth. Along with his companion 'Hazrat Amma Hawwa' or 'Eve'. Thus he is the father of mankind. They had children and so the generation after generation of mankind thus begun. He descended from the heavens.

What are the names of the 5 messengers in Islam?

The Muslims believe inall prophets. Some of the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an are: Hazrat Adam (AS), Hazrat Noah (AS), Hazrat Abraham (AS), Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Moses (AS) and Hazrat jesus Christ (AS). The five Rasool (Messengers) as opposed to the Nabi (Prophets) are Hazrat Abraham (AS), Hazrat Moses (AS), Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Jesus (AS), and Hazrat Mohammed (AS).

What year did Islam come?

The first Man Hazrat Adam (May peace be upon him) was a Muslim and Prophet. The last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) in 570 AD. He started preaching Islam in 610 when he was 40 years.

What is the laqab of hazrat Noah and hazrat Adam?

The laqab of hazrat Adam (A.S) is Safi Ullah, but need to check for the hazrat Noah (A.S). . . .

Who are Islam founders?

Assalamoalaikum Islam is not a new religion ,its started when Allah send Adam from heaven to earth. All the prophets and messenger come in the world they preach Islam and nothing. Islam start from Hazrat Adam and its last messenger is Mohammad Rasoolallah (sal-lallah-ho alayhiwasalam) so in my knowledge Islam founder is Hazrat Adam. All messenger and prophets say "There is no God but only Allah, Allah is only one Allah have no father no mother ,Allah is the only power of universe. and this was a continues message will be forwarded by last messenger and that is Islam