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Asking others for their opinions isn't the best way to form your own. You should look at facts and get some ideas yourself first so you aren't as easily swayed one way or the other.

1) That being said, in my opinion war is idiotic and a testament to the foolishness of patriotism. They only real good it accomplishes is it stimulates the economy, which wouldn't be needed if the government was halfway decent to begin with.

2) war is only good when the goal is to save people in distress because of evil

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3)In some cases I consider it bad because there is so much death. So many soldier that go out to risk their lives in order to protect their nation and the people in it, and so many of them die because of their bravery. It's a shame that so many lives are lost all over the world because people can't except that we all have differences and that we all have different opinions that we just can't change and war won't solve anything.

In other cases, I'm vary grateful for all the soldiers that go out to protect us and risk their lives just to keep us safe and help us keep our freedom. It makes me feel good to know that their are so many great people out there. It's so selfless. But really, I don't really think war is ever a good thing.


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